Friday, 31 August 2012

The Interview.

Had my first interview yesterday (the first of many I'm sure). Nervous? Slightly. Clammy hands? Definitely.

It was, quite possibly, the most informal interview ever.

I turn up, wearing a black skirt and white shirt; standard interview clothes, only to find all the employees wandering around in jeans and t-shirts. I've never felt so over-dressed in my life. However, rocking up to an interview in jeans and a tee; probably not the wisest decision.

Went alright, don't think I rambled too much or offended anyone - always a good move. Had to fill out another form and did a little test afterwards to make sure I wasn't a compete thicko (thank you to my parents for sending me to a decent school, appreciate it). Awkward if I failed it.

Next on the list was to sign up for an evening A-Level English course to get my study on. Ironic you might think, considering I was hating my course, but that was Maths, a completely different kettle of fish. Over 3 hours of pure English one night a week - bring it on.

All in all, a productive day.

Definitely not regretting my decision yet, I'm sure I'll get to that stage soon enough, That'll probably come next week after I've been to my first English class.


  1. Good luck, Tess! I wore a suit and heels to the interview for my job and nearly everyone wears jeans and trainers every day (didn't know that then as luckily we also wear labcoats), but it's always best to overdress for an interview. At least it shows you've made the effort!

  2. Good luck with the job hunt Tess, and start dusting off the hockey stick! Have added you to the new group we have created! And all the best for the run. We all have roads to travel, and what makes it special is those forks in the road - decisions, decisions. What about being a maths mentor at a school for a stop gap - bet KG would take you on?
