Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The Intro.

So I'm new to blogging. I'm new to talking about things. This is going to be fun.

Let's start with the basics. I went to secondary school, did my GCSEs, took my A-Levels, went to uni. For me and my friends this was the natural progression. It's what you did, it's what you do. Stay in education as long as possible; you'll never get a decent job without a good degree, and without a decent job you won't be happy.

How ironic then, that going to uni has been, without a doubt, the most unhappy experience of my life. Don't get me wrong, the social aspect of it was unforgettable and definitely a worthwhile experience. However, the main reason for going to university, i.e. the course, was not great.

First year; Maths = painful (standard), Economics = less painful and mildly interesting (bearing in mind I'd never done it before, this was a nice surprise). Fail first year, check. Warning bells were almost definitely going off in my head, but university is university, and a good degree is a good degree, so I powered through. Pass first year a year later, check. Hate every moment of it, check. Stupidly carry on to second year, check.

As you can see, I have made some fantastic choices over the past three years.

Having realised the massive mistake I was making and how unhappy I'd become after doing all this, my natural conclusion was to stuff it. And stuff it I have.

Now I'm spending my days trying to get a job, sort out work experience, get some volunteering sorted as well as trying to work out what I want to do with my life. Not an easy task, but one that, at the minute, I enjoy doing. It hasn't got to the soul-crushing stage yet.  Two weeks down the line I'll no doubt be tearing my hair out, crying, and generally wondering why I decided to ruin my life. I look forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I got through a 5-year-long degree, plus an MA, and I'm in the same situation as you not fear - WE CAN DO THIS! :)
